(Do You) Remember...

The other day I happened upon a soundtrack for the Broadway play, Beautiful , a show which lasted six years and one which I missed (it's still making a few appearances back east). But then, I don't live in New York and even in my local town, rarely attend stage plays or musicals. Don't ask me why, don't make me cry, don't make me blue, roared the Beatles. And I say that because I've actually quite enjoyed them on the occasions I've seen them. A lot of work goes into the choreography and the music and the lighting and on and on. And of course, there are the lines and lines of talented and aspiring singers and dancers and actors, although I admit that I miss not being able to use the word actress* anymore (so said without any political correctness).* To diverge a little, the BBC noted that although women appeared on stage in 1656 (when the "king" first allowed it), it wasn't until 1700 that they could use the term "actress...