Passing On...Valuables or Junk?

Perhaps it took the passing of my brother to see what so many have already seen, that much of what we consider valuable is pretty much worthless overall. Not the financial stuff, those pensions or savings or condo or whatever, tangible items that can be transferred or sold for actual green paper, which was how the recent movie, To Catch A Killer put it, the killer being a loner who confronts a detective and "explains" how mixed up the world is, how we have others clean our homes and our toilets so that they can collect a small bit of green paper in the end; and how we blind ourselves with fireworks and noise while missing out on all the stars and the silence that is always above us. In the movie, he tells the detective that he's messed up partly from working in a slaughterhouse, but that he followed those cows backwards in their lives, back from the McDonald's and the saws and the bolt guns and the trucks that rounded them up, back over the wire fen...