Look Me in the Eye...
There was a piece in Orion in which the author, whose mother was badly disabled by a mass shooter, questions a few of her decsions, one of which was to give up meat and of course, to shy away from using a gun; but then she wonders if she is merely avoiding the inevitable, that she should face something directly: ... as I first looked through the scope at the thick, gray-brown fur of the deer’s shoulder, my chest locked up. If I pulled the trigger, I couldn’t go back to the person I’d been before. I’d have to live with myself as someone who’d made this decision. Someone who’d used a gun to kill a fellow animal. I waited to feel ready for what seemed like a long time. This same dilemma faced Robin Wright in the film Land (mentioned in the last post), her decision not to shoot sending her to the brink of starvation. And it likely confronts anyone facing the decision of whether or not to pull the trigger...a deer, a squirrel, a human, an "enemy." That face to face i