Meaning, Less
There come those moments of clarity when you find aspects of your life entering another stage, when you find that your life has reached a point where what you have is far more than what you need. This can be not only how comfortable you feel with what surrounds you on the outside but how you feel inside. For some of the wealthier folk such contentment may come from having homes in various parts of the world or another antique car to add to their collection; or perhaps wealth doesn't matter and you are simply content living in the simple home you've always had (aka Warren Buffet). Either way, I'll never know what others feel, rich or poor, since everyone is on his or her own journey. But for me, to reach that feeling of perhaps having too much is as simple as opening one of my closet doors or dresser drawers and asking myself: just how many jackets or winter coats or socks do I really need? I'm getting up there in age and at some p...