Expectations Quite a number of posts back, I wrote a bit about expectations. We all have them, I said. And here the moment arrives where this becomes my 300th post, at least on this form of media. Yet I can probably count on one hand the number of close friends and family members who read this blog or its postings. Usually this becomes evident during a discussion, say a show they've watched on the high usage of prescription narcotics or the crisis in the food production industry; and I'll nod politely and quietly mention that I had written about that subject in a post some months earlier. Hmm, they'll say, I'll have to take a look, and generally that's where it ends (not sure if they really follow-up or not). Even my wife and brother rarely (and that means perhaps once a year) peek at my blog unless I mention that there's something relevant about our immediate family or something about a trip or adventure we'd experienced. None of this bothers m