Who (or What) Is Next?

Dungeons and dragons. Never played it. The other night's dream had me looking out a window in a large gathering and telling everyone that something unusual was coming...and fast. It was a dragon, one as red as Dorothy's shoes in The Wizard of Oz, and it swooped in and grabbed me even as I hid under a table; but somehow I held onto the legs of the table and used it to continuously flay at the dragon's feet, whacking away as if the table was little more than a pie plate and me strong enough to lift it over and over. And somehow, it worked. The dragon dropped me in a corner as it flew out the other side. It was then that I found myself holding a tall rod, a "magical" spear of some sort and one which I knew nothing about other than I had to blindly sit up and heave the spear out the window and with force, which I did. Bulls eye, I heard someone say, which puzzled me because I knew that I had simply thrown it out the window, aimi...