Soul, Man...

Deer eating trailside at Silver Lake The other day I happened to be back at my local library, looking for the recent animated film from Pixar, Soul , a children's film that deals with rather adult topics such as what have you done with your life and what really matters to you. The library showed that the DVD was there but in the "children" section; so off I went to their racks (our local branch carries over 5000 DVD selections, from foreign* to comedy) but, after combing through the "animation" section, I couldn't find it. "Oh," said the librarian, "you want the children's section." What?? She pointed me to a part of the library I'd always seen but for some reason, sort of never knew was there. I walked over and there, taking up nearly 25% of the building, was an entire section of yet more DVDs, not to mention books and CDs and who knows what else. How could I have not seen that, this huge chunk of the library that I ...