Heart of Mind
Heart of Mind Here's the thing, heart disease doesn't run in our family (knock wood). And to be fair, I've heard the terms in songs and in books, that meeting someone special can make one's heart "go a-flutter" or "my heart skips a beat." We've all had that feeling, that odd sensation for a few seconds, or that heavy thumping of the pulse when doing a heavy bit of exercise. But this was different. In the middle of the night, a little after midnight, I was awake and feeling my heartbeat as I lay on the pillow. It seemed odd, and perhaps it was only happening because indeed, I had just woken up and this in the middle of the night. But then it continued. And something was amiss...light, very light beats, all over the place, and then one large one, shockingly so. It was puzzling, not worrisome, for I didn't feel anything else that was different, no dizziness or clamminess. But my wife noticed me awake and asked what was wrong...&q