Breaking News

Aren't you growing tired of "breaking" news, as if every road closure or stubbed toe is now of vital importance. Way back (as in 20 years ago) the documentary OutFoxed credited Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News with all the features you now see on virtually every news broadast: the wavy movement in the background, the moving news feeds on the bottom, and of course, the banner that interrupts the broadcast with "breaking news." But such news is now so ordinary that it's become a bit of a wolf in sheep's clothing; even the NY Times online version of it is now so common that soon "breaking" news will simply be a reminder of "broken" news. On the other hand, poking fun at this condensed format does prove a good way for me to clear out my pile of miscellaneous "news" building ever higher, each tidbit goading me into wondering if added together they could prove enough to be a cohesive subject or just remain a series of ran...