What We'll Miss...

In less than a week, we will board the plane and start our journey to Peru and Ecuador; and from what I've been reading, I must tell you that there is a lot we will miss, not only the people and pets who we'll leave back home, of course, but within the country of Peru itself. For one thing, Peru is big, as in three times larger than all of California (whereas Ecuador is about the size of Colorado). Needless to say, what we'll be seeing during our visit there will be only a glimpse of the country. Let's face it, when you travel to a place that has canyons that are nearly twice as deep as the Grand Canyon, and has the largest navigable lake in the world, there is a lot to see...but we'll miss those. It was the same with South Africa and Alaska, two large countries of which we saw a lot in our opinion; but of course it was also just a small glimpse. Think just of your block, your neighborhood, your city, your state. How much overall h...