
The other night found us with some friends and perhaps because of all that has happened --our dog becoming paralyzed, our moms showing a bit more dementia, the heat, who knows-- we got a bit more giddy than usual. So by the time I went to bed my head was swirling, not like Robin Williams used to describe (you being so drunk or loaded that he said that the room was spinning like a massive roulette wheel with the dealer yelling "place your bets, place your bets" -- heavens no, although I had been there before in my younger days; with age came, one hopes, the knowledge that that wasn't a very good place to visit) but inhibitions down enough that my mind seemed to be going in several directions; all of which got me to thinking about how our brains operate at such a point, a point when functions and reactions are dulled but awareness apparently is not. Then I happened to remember a piece on the different receptors in our brain and how different drugs, from sugar to o...