Run...(The Numbers)

Illustration of what's orbiting Earth; Source: European Space Agency In today's world it is easy to be overwhelmed by data. As just one example, there was this statistic from October in The Week on those pesky robocalls , automated calls for which the "caller" pays a mere $6 per 100,000 calls and that's only IF the call is picked up (and now there are also fake MMS text messages telling you that your Amazon/ FedEx/car order is ready, complete with a highlighted link that will likely lead to all of your phone data being stolen if you click on it...and you don't even have to be Jeff Bezos). Anyway, don't feel alone if you've fallen victim because in just that one month this amounted to 5,700,000,000 calls (that's 5.7 BILLION in one month). And according to AARP , there are currently nearly 60 different known phone and Web scams currently going on throughout the U.S. Actually, what caught my eye wasn't so much those calls but rathe...