Felix and Oscar(s)

An odd couple to be sure, that original clash of stereotypes in Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau that made me wonder, what happened to the word "stereo?" But old pairings and phrases aside, something else quite old and stereotyped just happened a few weeks ago (and by now likely forgotten)...the Oscars. It had been well over a decade since my wife and I viewed any such sort of "awards" show, especially those where a media industry pats itself on the back and makes a production of praising its own people...the Emmys, the Grammys, the Oscars (and those are just in the US for the practice has now spread across the world). A quick peek at the BAFTA winners showed results almost opposite those of the Oscars. How could that be? And who exactly gets to vote anyway? Quartz had this to say about the mysterious process of who the voting members are who decide who will or won't get an award from the "academy:" ... a 2012 investi...