A Path Appears
A Path Appears The words are part of a quote from the Chinese writer, Lu Xan: “Hope is a path on the mountainside. At first there is no path. But then there are people passing that way. And there is a path.” The words are also the title of the book by husband-wife writing team, Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Worldwide correspondents, they have won multiple Pulitzers and witnessed many cultures, seeing both the good and the bad of each and watching how quickly little things can make a difference, especially when it comes to giving, not only monetarily but of oneself by advocating or mentoring. The subtitle of the book is Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity . Their book is a good reminder of what the holidays bring out in us, how we begin to feel for others again if only because we are made aware of just how fortunate we are. Certainly the appeals that flood our inboxes and mail begin to overwhelm us, something the auth...