Man, Hear Me Roar...

When you first read that title you may be thinking of the wild and fractured history of MGM's (now an Amazon company) Leo the Lion which roared before every movie presentation (the new 3-D version is a pretty cool update to our times). And then you may reflect on that semi-macho, semi-casual greeting often used by guys with a quick nod of the head as in "hey man." But altering that title was somewhat of a lure by me, a wordplay of sorts to pull you into that popular 70s song by Australian singer Helen Reddy: I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar which became a bit of a rallying cry for the feminist movement (think Gloria Steinhem ) perhaps because the next line of the song was: In numbers too big to ignore. Women had arrived on the scene. But despite the inroads of those times (think civil rights), women have yet to achieve income equality with men; breaking that glass-ceiling has proved to be quite difficult with little mor...