Overseas Apologies in advance, for not only am I overseas, but this is my first venture in keeping up with things using a tablet, and boy aren't they the finicky things? Needless to say, my wife and I began this return trip to her home country by going the most direct route, which in this case was backwards, that is, going in the opposite direction first which would lead to a direct route over the poles and then voila, smack into the land of tea and biscuits (the English term for cookies, although I'm not sure if they carry that term over to computer spam as in, "filter out my spam biscuits, chaps"). Thus, our arrival went first to Los Angeles, likely the most grueling part of our trip since we had quite the wait, a mere five hours to kill (an odd and gruesome term, no matter it's origins). So, there we were in the land of La-La and we thought, why not visit an old airport haunt and have a Cadillac marguerita. It sounded good except, our...