It's Off to Work We Go...
Some of you may or may not have read about the stimulus bills making their way through countries such as Australia, parts of the EU and the U.S. Here (in the U.S.) it took a bit of wrangling for government officials to realize that work stoppages were happening faster than the spread of the virus. Quarantines were closing down restaurants and schools, gyms and gathering places, and people were suddenly home and without work. Checks and payments were grinding to a halt and cash-in-hand was needed since (among other bills) state and federal taxes were coming due (the Internal Revenue Service or IRS recently extended the deadline to far, the states have not budged). So Congress, in a bit of back and forth (bail out the corporations or the workers?) finally agreed to vote on a stimulus bill to aid those without work and that's where the problems really began. As it turned out, despite a few Senators and Representatives testing positive f...