Waste Not, Want Not
There are all sorts of definitions to the word waste: wasted hours, wasted talent, wasted futures, wasted lives. Even the late Doris Buffet (her younger brother is Warren Buffet), "...eschewed giving money to what she jokingly calls 'the SOBs' -- the symphony, opera, and ballet," according to her local news outlet, the Omaha World Herald. And when asked what she wanted on her gravestone she replied, "She Made A Difference," adding, "unless you do, why were you here?" Couple this with an opposing fact that Anna Mehler Paperny* mentioned in that you're 63% more likely to kill yourself than die in a car accident. Wait, what?? She adds: If eight hundred thousand people around the world kill themselves every year, that means about twenty-two hundred a day, or three every two minutes. Statistically, two dozen people killed themselves in the time it took you to get out of bed, showered and caffeinated. Maybe forty-five during your commute...