
Showing posts from May, 2021

Drip, Drip...Drop

     To say that these times feel disjointed might be a bit of an understatement, at least for me. The seemingly too long  Homeland series  (the first 3 seasons didn't prepare us for the faltering remaining seasons) makes one wonder just how much of what is happening --the wars, the destruction, the lives lost-- is political theatre at the expense of "the cost of doing business."  The decades long struggle now repeating itself between Palestine and Israel was somewhat summed up in the  London Review blog , breaking down the problems that occur when empires, governments, and leaders, come and go and borders are drawn, and enforced or violated by whatever "ruling" party takes over.  It tends to all be a small part of history, one repeated over and over as  Smithsonian's blog  noted when Japanese citizens of the U.S. were once placed in internment camps and also witnessed their homes and farms being looted, burned and then taken over b...

Tracking Attraction

    Here's a quick task for you: if you're using the Google Chrome browser to read this you can peek at the top right corner and see three vertical dots .  Click on those and on the "menu" that appears, click on settings .  On the new "menu" that appears click on privacy and security then scroll down to the second bar and click on cookies and other settings .  Stay with me...scroll more than halfway down that  "menu" and click on see all cookies and site data .  Prepare to be shocked (you can easily trash all or a majority of those).  What the heck is all that?  And yes, those tracking cookies will continue to appear or remain on your browser (it's a similar process on Apple , Windows , or your cell phones ).  What's more shocking is that even after clearing all of that, if you run any of the cleaning programs available (I tend to use the free version of Glary Utilities ), you'll be surprised at how many cookies and collected data stil...