Let's Go Back -- Updates
Let's Go Back -- Updates Yikes, there's been some confusion over a few of the recent postings so here are a few quick updates. Regarding the post on marijuana ( Pot/s and Ban/s ), one of the main differences between marijuana and heroin is the different parts of the body that are affected; the cannabinoid receptors within our bodies aren't usually found in the brain stem which controls our breathing and cadiovascular functions. So despite many rumors, there hasn't been a single case of a marijuana overdose due to breathing (anxiety maybe, but not breathing). The same cannot be said for synthetic marijuana or heroin, which can cause respiratory failure (the heroin death rate has tripled since 2010, which some sources blame on increased traffic from Mexico, one alleged result of the marijuana supply flow diminishing and even reversing back into Mexico and causing drug cartels to seek their profits elsewhere). An interesting story about this...